Life is full of adversity, but not living your life to your fullest potential due to fear, insecurity, or a lack of enthusiasm detracts from your long-term happiness.
Being bolder and achieving regular goals and challenges is a very healthy environment to live in. Being stagnant doesn’t improve your life, it stifles your growth, and it doesn’t give you a sense of purpose or anything to look forward to. The reason New Year’s Resolutions are popular is that they encourage you to make changes in your life each year.
Not everyone believes in this process, but it certainly doesn’t hurt to make a to-do list and try to follow it. I do this on my birthday every year, reflecting on what needs more attention in my life. I have been pretty consistent in achieving my goals as I find it exciting and very rewarding to have new things to complete in a certain time frame. It gives me the boost I need sometimes. The great thing about it is you make the rules and they can be as big or small as you want them to be!
Okay, that sounds great, but how can you start changing your treadmill routine?
It’s not easy to change a routine lifestyle and you wouldn’t be here reading this post if it was. Many people feel safe when they have regular patterns to follow, but unfortunately, they can also feel like their lives are slipping by when they don’t have some excitement to balance out the monotony. After a prolonged period of time it becomes an unprovoked predictable cycle with no rewards.
- The first step is to start small by marking something on the calendar each week that is easy to complete. It could be something as simple as taking a 3-5km walk around your neighborhood or meeting a friend for coffee in a new setting. The initial exercise is to be able to complete the task you want to achieve. Continue this process for a month and then start adding things to the list that offer a bigger achievement.
- Change your normal environment and go out to new places to shop, exercise or meet your friends.
- Make evening plans twice a week that will get you off the couch and TV. Watching your favorite series is not productive and keeps you closed.
- interact with other people as often as possible. This will bring more opportunities into your life and could also implement new adventures that you can share with others.
- Whenever you start to feel overwhelmed or anxious about being out of your comfort zone, think about the people you admire. The reason you find them interesting is that they live their lives to the fullest and implement new goals regularly. They are constantly evolving and adding changes to improve their life experience. They are having too much fun and enjoying themselves to allow themselves to get stuck in a rut. Not only that, but they understand the importance of being the best version of themselves.
The monotonous lifestyle becomes an unfulfilling habit or pattern.
When you’re constantly feeling down or stressed, it can really bring down your mood. It’s not easy to stay positive when life throws you difficult scenarios. It can also become a big problem if you compare yourself to others who have more than you. Some people make the mistake of taking the wrong approach. “What’s the point of trying to improve my situation, I’ll never be in their league. It just frustrates me more!”
This is a big mistake!
Envying or being jealous of others who continue to live their best lives because of their optimism will only keep you from excelling. Learn from their actions and appreciate the hard work it took to get to where they are today. As I said in another post recently, very few people are an overnight success story. They paid their dues to improve their lives and learned the lessons that came with it. This is much easier to achieve when you can visualize what it is you want to change. What is your passion, what brings you joy and what makes you feel alive?
If every day is starting to feel like Groundhog Day, it’s up to you to make changes to improve your life.
Some routine is important when it comes to your health, your kids, and your work scenario, but you also need to include spontaneous activity and goal accomplishments to keep things interesting. You are in charge, which means you have the control to make it happen.
Successful men and women don’t sit around feeling sad, angry, or victimized. They find a new path that works much better, which brings them closer to realizing their dreams. They don’t give up, and that’s the only difference in not being able to grow into the highest version of yourself.
Change is the law of life and those who look only to the past and present are sure to miss the future.
John F. Kennedy
Challenge yourself to step out of your comfort zone. do something that scares you. I was afraid of zip, so I started small by going to the Slotzilla zip line on Fremont Street in Las Vegas. It’s a very short experience, but did I enjoy it? Not for a minute, but I went out of my way and questioned myself. I probably won’t zip line again, but I will definitely add other things to my list that take me out of my comfort zone. (zip line photo below)
Even the smallest achievements put a spring in your step and encourage you to keep going. When you’re stuck in a repetitive treadmill rut, it’s so hard to be optimistic about your future. It’s so easy to stay in a defeated state because it takes no effort to be there.
Although, it is important to remember that negative thinking takes some energy and can be off-putting to other people around. When you are constantly learning new things and open to trying adventurous scenarios, you need to be optimistic and ready for action.
Life’s ups and downs can be hard to bear, but you learn something new about yourself every time.
If both you and your partner are stuck in the treadmill routine, alternate scheduling new outings every few weeks. It’s possible to rekindle your relationship if you’re both on board and ready to make some changes. Showing enthusiasm for your life and your partnership is key to keeping the spark alive between you.
If only one of you is feeling stagnant and stuck, sit down and take stock of what’s going on and what you can do to keep the excitement alive in your relationship. Don’t shut your partner out and leave him alone trying to figure out why your feelings of optimism have disappeared.
If you’re single and that’s part of the reason you’ve become routine, you have no one but yourself to motivate the situation. This is certainly not easy to do. You can’t always be your own support system 24/7 and that’s understandable. This is a good time to seek advice from family, friends or a counselor to help you get out of this slump you are in.
Being single can also be a good thing when you’re making big changes in your life because you don’t need to be directed by anyone to move forward. You are free to do what you would like to do and no one is stopping you from achieving your new goals. This is also a good time to mention the importance of having quality people in your corner where there is reciprocated love and support.
Make sure your partner and close friends always have your back and your best interests at heart. We don’t always realize that some of our connections aren’t healthy for us and this prevents us from growing into a higher rate of self-love and living a confident lifestyle.
If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.
Maya Angelou
Sybersue xo <3
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