
Posted by Sandy Weiner in Midlife Dating | 0 comments Do you need to heal before getting back together after a loss or breakup? In this video, you will learn how to heal and when to resume. — Do you need to heal completely before getting back together after a breakup, divorce, or loss? The short answer is no, because we are never fully healed, and there is a risk that we will heal so much that you put off the appointment altogether. But the bigger answer is that it’s important to do some…

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So let’s say you’re in a bar or even on the street and you see a girl you really want to approach. But she has a friend with her. What do you do in this situation and how can you seduce her?Approaching girls who are with friends is extremely intimidating for most guys. So I get this question a lot: How do you approach a girl with a boyfriend by her side?The answer is quite simple but definitely not easy: You deal with both and focus on the boyfriend more than the girl you want.Let me explain how this works…

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Thorpe Cloud Walk My solo trip started with the exciting Thorpe Cloud walk. For those who don’t know, Thorpe Cloud is an isolated limestone hill, standing an impressive 287 meters (942 feet) high. The climb, although slightly challenging, is rewarded with stunning views of the surrounding Peak District. My trip to the Peak District was guided by the invaluable resource AllTrails, which tailors routes to different fitness levels. Theirs Thorpe Cloud Circular walk it’s 4km, but if you want to explore the area further, keep reading. Thorpe Cloud: The View Reaching the top of Thorpe Cloud was a moment of…

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As we enter the season of Advent, what should be our focus? According to modern Christian thought, Advent is the time of contemplative preparation for the birth of Christ at Christmas and the expected return of Christ at the Second Coming. While we can now see Advent as a time that serves as an anticipation of the birth of Christ, originally there was little connection between Advent and Christmas. By the 6th century, Roman Christians had associated Advent with the coming of Christ, but the coming they had in mind was his second coming in the clouds, as the judge…

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Holiday blues. We’ve all suffered from feeling down or alone right now! Seeing all those supposedly happy couples go gift shopping…while you’re alone. You wonder if you’re doomed to a miserable vacation if your relatives are driving you crazy. Or are you nervous about introducing your family to a serious date, someone who could be The One? Does your mom always say what a shame you’re still single? Even if your family is a battleground or you’re super stressed, you can beat the holiday blues by using my ten hacks for singles. To turn these traditional family gatherings into real…

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Notes from the podcast: Have you ever been caught up in the whirlwind of a new relationship where everything seemed perfect, only to see it crumble before your eyes? After the arduous journey of navigating dating apps, awkward conversations, and avoiding inappropriate advances, finding someone who looks like “the one” is like a breath of fresh air. But what happens when that promising connection fizzles out? Here’s a little teaser: We dive deep to unravel this complex pattern and shed light on where things can go wrong. The Heart of the Matter: A Familiar Tale of Love Lost Time and…

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